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CM7 Steel Blue Theme




(markyyyy, edint3000, 00.ante and mastersjef)

Steel Blue Theme v2 Final

Cyanogenmod v7.0.0
And OxygeN 2.0.3 for HTC Desire

Now also for the Thememanager! Version 2 RC1
for CM7 and Roms with Thememanager Tnx to Ante.00 and Edint3000
Goodluck people

Removed the Nightly build because it is to much work to keep up!

Also available on Samsung Galaxy S
(Darky 9.3 Rom and CM7 Rom):

**13 March 2011**

The Kick off of the Steel Blue theme v1 RC1 for CM7

**14 March 2011**

Added Honeycomb Music app with wifi option.

**16 March 2011**

2 versions added for RC2 and Nightly #2x
Browser issue fixed and Gallery3D.apk replaced

**17 March 2011** RC2

Big Changes see Screen 2, finally added the Status Power icons
and background finished.
Some colors and icons in the framework changed.
Phone, Contacts and FMRadio updated.
Adjusted reboot menu.

**19 March 2011** RC3

Finally statusbar icons working see screen 1
CM7 RC2 version Uploaded.
Nightly #25 version Uploaded.
Nice Swype keyboard added below!

**20 March 2011**

Mms, Email and Deskclock Updated.
Framework and SystemUI Updated.
Uploaded version CM7 RC2 and Nightly #25.

**21 March 2011**

FMradio updated with Carbon team.
Miui Music app again updated see screenie.

**22 March 2011** RC4

Most apps updated new versions off:

New Powericons
Music app
Google search
Email again

**23 March 2011**

Updated for Nightly #30
Updated SystemUI because the in en out indicators of the data icons
were wrong! thanks to Mendozinas 
Camera app deleted from Nightly #30 theme because of the freezing issue!

**25 March 2011**

Added Launcher2 modded by myself
Gmail updated some blue accents and Contact picture modded.
Camera Updated by me see sreennie;)

**26 March 2011**

Added call delay patch

**27 March 2011**

Updated for Nightly #31
Changed background for the Camera incl. switch background see screenshot.
Updated the Installscript for CWM 3.x.x.x 

**28 March 2011**

Replaced Launcher2 for ADWLauncher for CM7
v2 RC1 for CM7 RC3 updated!!!!!!

**29 March 2011**

Version for OxygeN 2.0.2 added! uses Launcher2.

**31 March 2011**

Updated and tested for RC4 of CM7 
(System keyboard colored and removed the GBKB.apk version)
Removed the Nightly build because it is to much work to keep up!

**1 April 2011**

Fixed white text bug in Gmail!

**3 April 2011**

Updated to Oxygen 2.0.3

**4 April 2011**v2 RC2

Miui Music player updated see new screennie.
Some Icons updated in Framework.
Fixed minor bugs.
Adjusted the fonts a bit like Italic updated.

**6 April 2011**

Updated install scripts.

**9 April 2011**

Final stage of the zip versions.
Added Thememanager version.

**11 April 2011**

Updated for CM 7.0.0 final stage
Updated for Oxygen 2.0.3 final stage
added Black Sony sketch Swype and black LatinIME keyboards.
Facebook updated.

**13 April 2011**

Added new modded market 2.3.6

To do:

Themechooser file after the finalbuild.

(I'll do 1 step at a time be patient please!)

What you get:

Black modded Gmail with steel blue accents v (nicer for the eyes)
Modded Miui Music app v 1.25 adjusted by myself (blue interface).
Modded Powermenu with the normal switching options in CM settings.
The Status bar and Footer including the Android logo and Usb connection logo's in the pulldown screen from Steel Blue Theme.
Blue Camera Modded by myself
Steel Blue Gingerbread Keyboard (system keyboard colored).
Steel Blue accents modded in the Framework of CM7
Steel Blue Theme indicators off Wifi and Data/Gsm and Battery.
Sony sketch Font (I like that very much).
Added HoneyComb Music app v3.0
Modded FM app by Edint3000 and myself
Phone app and Contacts, MMS app and Deskclock updated.
Adjusted reboot menu.
Lockscreen modded.

What you do is the following:

Download the themefiles from here:





Thememanger SteelBlue_signed

Flash the ZIP files in recovery beware make a Nandroid backup first!!!!!!!!

For CM7 Install script updated!
It removes the following:
Cyanbread.apk, Androidian.apk, MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk, CMWallpapers.apk,
LiveWallpapers.apk, VisualizationWallpapers.apk

And after all is flashed select the "System" Theme in theme chooser....

For OxygeN Install script updated!
It removes the following:
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk, LiveWallpapers.apk, VisualizationWallpapers.apk
Flash the Sense version of the Hboot for the System space.
For the powerwidget select it in Oxygen settings.

For Thememanager:
Just install and reboot! after that select the second one it seems blank but it's in progress.

NEW! Market Modded by myself:

Reboot in recovery, in recovery first wipe cache and then flash the zip reboot and you're done!


I'm totally not! resposible for hangs bootloops and bricks.......
Because i test everything first fully on my own Desire.


If you don't like an app simply delete from the zip and flash after that.

If you like my work:

Or some coins for my phonecel:

Boot Animation: bootanimation.zip
Put with Rootexplorer to folder /data/local or /system/media and reboot

Nice Swype keyboards:

Steel Blue Swype Dutch_English

Black Sony Sketch Swype Dutch_English

Just install and select in settings --> keyboard and language, you know the drill

For more Swype keyboard skins: Swype skins by esk02k

Black GB keyboard (Modded Myself) flash in recovery:


Call delay patch Reboot after install

Download here: Call delay patch

Thanx to the following ppl:

Markyyyyy, Edint3000 and 00.ante (Team Carbon) For the Steel Blue Theme port of SGS i9000i.
Str355 for the very nice DarkBlue Colors i used at the first version .
Sonnysehkon, Edint3000 , 00.ante and Markyyyyy for the Spirit to make a theme afterall.
00.ante for the themed keyboards and Market.
Miui team for the music app.
Mendozinas for some minor fixes
Swype keyboard modded for the Steel Blue theme Tnx for your help esk02k
And last but not least Cyanogen Team and the OxygeN team for their Beautiful rom.

If i forgot someone PM me


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